Cartoon Character – Moving Hands
Our aim of this tutorial is to learn the communication between applet life cycle methods. What I mean by communication is: One of the method may generate some values which is used by other method/methods. Here we want a scenario that when user changes the Browser tab or minimize-maximize the appletviewer, Position of the hands(of cartoon character!) should be toggled. And this will create an view like a cartoon character is doing exercise.
import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class toonApplet extends Applet { int y = 200; public void init() { setBackground(Color.YELLOW); } public void stop() { if(y==200)y = 50; else y = 200; } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawOval(200,50,100,100); g.drawRect(50,150,400,50); g.drawRect(50,y,50,100); g.drawRect(400,y,50,100); g.drawRect(150,200,200,300); g.drawRect(150,500,50,100); g.drawRect(300,500,50,100); } } /* <applet code="toonApplet" width="500" height="700"></applet> */
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